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American Goat Federation Logo

Providing a Unified Voice for All Elements of the Goat Industry

The American Goat Federation promotes the goat industry, advocates for sound policy, encourages research, and is a resource for all stakeholders

Infectious Disease

Knowledge is power. And goat producers need to know all they can about infectious disease that could potentially devastate their flock or hurt the entire industry. Scrapie is a fatal, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats. It is among a number of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). Infected flocks can experience significant production losses. Use the links below to find out how you can help fight to eradicate scrapie and prepare for a potential outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

National Scrapie Eradication Program Monthly Report

The Scrapie Eradication Program and Goats

Designated Scrapie Epidemiologists & Local Points of Contact

Designated Scrapie Epidemiologists & Local Points of Contact

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